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Women of the Word Toronto
inspires today’s woman to foster
her relationship with God.


At WOW-T, we provide opportunities for women to listen to other women share their personal stories of hope and transformation at one of our women's events; women who came to understand with deep confidence that God walks with them no matter how dark a season of life may be. Hope kept them from discouragement and sustained them in times of trial and tribulation. 

God uses the virtue of hope to sustain us and set us free.

Our Mother, Queen of Holy Hope – Pray for us.

Image by Priscilla Du Preez
Women Holding Hands


Life circumstances can sometimes wound us deeply, causing a separation between us and the love, freedom and healing that God desires to give us. At WOW-T, we provide speakers who gently guide us on a path of self-awareness by accessing the deep, spiritual traditions within the Church, Bible, Saints and Psychology.  In doing so, it is our hope that each woman receives this healing, liberating love of Christ.


At WOW-T, our desire is that every woman goes to Jesus whom she will find waiting for her. Receive Him in the Eucharist; He desires to be with you. Go to Him in Confession; He wishes to shower His Mercy upon you. Visit Him in the Blessed Sacrament; allow Him to transform you.

“It is Jesus that you seek when you dream of happiness; He is waiting for you when nothing else you find satisfies you.” - Pope St. John Paul ll

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Thank you for your prayers and support. 

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