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Happy Mother’s Day!

Mother's Day a special day to celebrate our mothers in a very special way. A day for those of us that are mothers to give thanks for the gift of our children. A day of Love and gratitude. For most it is a day celebrated with cards, flowers, chocolate and most importantly with family. But for me this year in particular it's a day to stop and reflect on what Mother’s Day truly means to me.

I love being a Mother and I feel so extremely blessed and honoured to be a mother to Janine, Joseph and Alaina. They are without a doubt Gods greatest gift to me. These three young adults have enriched my life and brought me much joy.

Like most women, I'm sure, I was scared to death to become a mother, scared I would mess up. I was afraid I wouldn't know what to do, afraid I'd make all kinds of mistakes, afraid I couldn't live up to this image of "MOM" it was huge for me. After all motherhood is the most important job in the world. We're given the task of molding and raising these little people into adults who will go out into this world and make a difference. Who wouldn't be afraid!! Everyone prepares you for pregnancy and the birth part of it but nothing really prepares for when you bring that little bundle of joy home. But somehow through the grace of God I muddled through and

I learned that none of us is perfect, and that we all Mother in our own unique way, and that as long as we place God and love at the core of it then things would work out. It's no coincidence that Mother’s Day falls during the Marion month of May. As we honour the Mother of God, our spiritual mother, we also honour our earthly mothers. She is our model of faith, our model of hope.

Memories of my mom come flooding back to me on Mother's Day. I lost her just over three years ago. I think we never really get over the loss of a mother, and that when you lose her, you somehow lose a piece of yourself. I know she's in heaven celebrating with her own mother, but boy, I miss her wisdom, her kindness and her unwavering support and love. I can't tell you how many times I'll go to call her but then remember she's gone. But I see her smile in the faces of my children, who loved and cherished their nonna. Wherever I go in life I carry her in my heart. Motherhood has taught me some of life's greatest lessons. It's taught me love, and understanding, and forgiveness. It's taught me that we don't need to be afraid of messing up, that even if we do, it's okay. Because in the end it's about keeping love at the centre of our lives. To love at all times the way God tells us to. When all is said and done, it's the time we spend loving one another as family, about time spent together, laughing, sharing, playing and just hanging out together. This is what our children and we will remember and treasure. It's what builds precious memories. This is what I'm remembering today, it's what makes me smile. I know that my kids, know deep in their hearts, how very much I love them. They know they have always been and always will be my biggest priority, my joy my purpose no matter how old they get. They have taught me patience, kindness, acceptance, tolerance. They've taught me to lighten up when things looked grim helped me keep my sense of humour, taught me to laugh and laugh and laugh. So how do I want to celebrate Mother’s Day, this year. Well, first and foremost I want to go to mass to give thanks to God for giving me these three precious individuals who have enriched my life, They are without a doubt, the three most beautiful souls I know, I give thanks for who they are, and for everything they have taught me, for the joy and the love they have showered me with, for the laughter and the sunshine that continues to fill my life. I love them to the moon and back or as I tell them all the time I love them to bits. And a big Thank you to my three wonderful kids, for allowing me to be your mother, for putting up with me, for being patient with me for loving me, and for filling my life with love and joy. You have enriched my life beyond measure and continue to fill it with incredible joy. I am both honoured and blessed. "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, As long as I'm living my children you'll be."

Happy Mother’s Day!!

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